ADGIS Projects 2018-19

A whimsical Cartography project using newly acquired analysis and automation skills. A habitat suitability model was constructed using data from B.C. Sasquatch sightings to examine how much habitat falls within protected lands.

A global pattern and spatial regression analysis exploring the relationship between socioeconomic factors and Hepatitis C performed as part of our Advanced Analysis class.

Object based classification of fish habitat and ground cover using eCognition and RGB Images captured with a drone. The Classification was challenging due to the amount of snow covering the ground due to the date the images were captured. In a RGB image, spectral signatures are the main tool used to delineate class. This was not possible with the snow covered woody debris, therefore a ruleset relying on shape was used.

A layered image produced for use in a laser cutter/etcher for creating a three dimensional relief map. The image is focused on the Athol Peninsula on Saltspring Island B.C.

Some fun playing around in Adobe Photoshop for our New Media Class making an old timey map of Canada with some neat lighting effects.

Another interesting comparative mapping exercise exploring Cardiovascular Disease and some risk factors which was completed as part of our Advanced Analysis Class.

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